Child Custody

How to Get Temporary Custody for Extended Family Members in San Diego, CA

There could be situations where an extended family member may need to obtain temporary custody of children in their family. If so, they must petition the court. Generally, temporary custody is granted through an emergency hearing. How to Petition the Court for Temporary Custody for Extended Family Members in San Diego If a child is… read more

Is My Ex-Spouse Allowed to Take Our Child Out of the Country?

Divorce is complicated. But when the dust finally settles—and assets are divided and custody assigned—you might feel like you can breathe a sigh of relief at last. After all, every issue has been resolved. Right? Unfortunately, this is not the experience for many divorcees. Divorce, much like life, brings daily questions. This is especially true… read more

Do Grandparents Have Rights in San Diego, CA?

There are various reasons why a parent might limit a grandparent’s right or ability to see their grandchildren. If you’re a grandparent in San Diego, California, and you believe you are being unfairly prevented from seeing your grandchildren, you may wonder if this is legal. The following overview will help you understand what you need… read more

What’s Timeshare Custody?

Custody and visitation can be fiercely disputed in a divorce case. Each parent may argue that the children should spend more time in their home. A parent may hesitate to share custody rights with the other parent for a variety of reasons. California courts recognize that a child generally benefits from a close and loving… read more

6 Factors That Affect Child Custody Decisions in California

If you are going through a custody battle, it helps to know what the judge might consider when deciding what type of custody to award. The court considers many factors, such as the age and health of the child and their parents. A judge might also consider the emotional ties between the child and each… read more

How Does a Family Court Determine if a Parent is Unfit?

Has your child’s other parent alleged that you were unfit to have custody of your child? If so, you need to understand how you can fight against these allegations. The information in this blog can help you understand how a family court determines if a parent is unfit in California. What Does it Mean to… read more

Do Step-Parents Have Visitation Rights in California?

Blended families are extremely common in the United States. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, over 3.85 million children live in blended homes across the country.  It is estimated that one out of every three Americans is either a stepchild, stepparent, or in some other form of a blended family. More than half of individuals… read more

How to Get a Narcissist to Reveal Themselves

Being married to a narcissist can be a challenging experience. Divorcing a narcissist is worse. Learning how to expose a narcissist may be the only way to win a custody battle with a narcissist.  Working with an experienced family law attorney might help. A divorce lawyer deals with all types of personalities, including the narcissistic… read more

San Diego Mediation: Mediation With Family Court Services vs. Private Mediator

Under California’s Family Code, mediation is mandatory in any proceeding that involves child custody or visitation. Under these provisions, the court will order mediation, whether the underlying proceeding involves legal separation, divorce, stepparent or grandparent visitation, or paternity. The only cases in which the court will not order mediation are those where a parent has… read more

Grandparents’ Rights For Custody and Visitation in California

Most grandparents do everything they can to support their grandchildren, and every year in California, grandparents even step up to raise grandchildren. If you’re a grandparent in California wanting custody or visitation rights with your grandchild or grandchildren, you are not alone. An experienced family law attorney can help you understand grandparents’ rights for custody… read more