Divorce and Family Law Blog

What Are Interim Orders in a Divorce in San Diego?

When a couple seeks a divorce, the situation can escalate quickly. How do you resolve child support, child custody, property division, spousal support, and other matters while the divorce is still pending?  California courts issue interim orders, which are temporary orders concerning these matters. They apply until the divorce decree is final, at which point… read more

What is a Marital Settlement Agreement?

A marital settlement agreement lays out the terms and conditions of your separation. You and your spouse may agree on absolutely everything, making the entire divorce process go faster and smoother. Or, you may agree on a few things but still need to negotiate the rest. Either way, a marital settlement agreement is binding in… read more

What is a Confidential Marriage and Does it Affect a Legal Separation or Divorce?

A confidential marriage in California allows two people to get married without any witnesses present. A couple can request a Confidential Marriage License by paying an $89 fee. However, there are requirements a San Diego couple must meet. Confidential Marriage Requirements If you want a confidential marriage in San Diego, you and your spouse must… read more

What Can I Do if I Think My Spouse is Hiding Assets During a Divorce?

Getting divorced can involve many issues. Property division can be a contentious issue, especially since California is a community property state. To avoid dividing assets in half, a spouse may try to hide assets. The law requires spouses to disclose all assets in a divorce action. But unfortunately, that does not prevent some spouses from… read more

Can You Sue for Defamation During a Divorce in California?

Family court cases can be intense. The parties deal with emotional, sensitive personal issues that can cause feelings of anger, frustration, panic, and anguish.  In disputed divorces, property settlement, spousal support, and child custody cases, it is common for parties to say hateful and cruel things about their spouse. False statements are also common as… read more

The Benefits of Co-Parenting Courses

Co-parenting is the term for when two parents in different households raise children together. Some parents may have never lived together, while others go through a divorce, separation, or breakup. Co-parenting can come with many challenges. While some separated parents may cooperate and communicate easily, many do not.  Co-parenting courses continue to grow in popularity… read more

Emancipation in San Diego

A child under 18 years of age is considered a minor in California. A parent is responsible for caring for their child until they reach the age of 18 years in most cases. Parents provide for the minor’s health care, education, food, shelter, clothing, and other essential items. However, emancipation changes that requirement. Emancipation is… read more

What Should I Do If I Was Emotionally Abused in My Divorce?

Going through a divorce is an emotional experience. The stress and loss caused by the breakup of a marriage can cause severe emotional distress. Unfortunately, a vindictive or abusive spouse can cause a greater level of emotional suffering. A spouse does not have the right to abuse you emotionally during a marriage or while you… read more

Gaslighting: How to Recognize Your Spouse’s Manipulative Behavior

The term “gaslighting” comes from a movie released in 1944. In Gaslight, a husband tries to convince his wife that she is crazy. He intends to have her committed to a mental institution, giving him control over her inheritance. The husband uses several techniques that cause his wife to question her grip on reality.  Unfortunately,… read more

Are My Assets in Danger if My Spouse Causes a Car Accident in San Diego, CA?

California is an at-fault state for car accident claims. If you can prove that another driver caused a car accident, you can sue the other driver for damages.  An at-fault driver can be held liable for damages that exceed their liability car insurance coverage. The minimum liability coverage required for car insurance in California is… read more