Divorce and Family Law Blog

Who Gets What When Accidents Occur During A Divorce?

Accidents and personal injuries occur at any time, including during a divorce. If another party caused a car accident or other incident that led to an injury, the injured party might be entitled to compensation for damages. However, how are the proceeds from a personal injury lawsuit divided when accidents occur during a divorce? California… read more

The Governator Gets Divorced: Lessons from Arnold Schwarzenegger and Maria Shriver’s Split

Divorce is never fun. Divorce under a spotlight is even worse. But some lessons can be learned from celebrities that go through a public divorce. In this case, we’ll look at the divorce of Arnold Schwarzenegger and Maria Shriver. What We Know In the case of Arnold Schwarzenegger and Maria Shriver, it took over ten… read more

San Diego County Family Law Courts

Family law courtrooms are a place where emotions tend to run high. After all, issues related to family law are often difficult. When you begin legal proceedings in a family law court, knowing what to expect along the way can help you to prepare to meet unique and difficult challenges. Attending Family Law Court Most… read more

Can I Get Back Together with My Ex-Spouse After Divorce?

The decision to end a marriage is a big one. The decision to try again with a former spouse is an even bigger one. The smart way to handle such a situation is to be aware of the possible legal ramifications of overturning a divorce settlement. A second chance is possible, but legally, it might… read more

What’s Attorney-Client Privilege?

It can be difficult to disclose sensitive personal information to a stranger. Therefore, when you decide to talk to a family law attorney, you want to know that what you say will be held in confidence. You may not want your partner to learn about what you say to a lawyer. Attorney-client privilege can give… read more

What Happens if My Spouse Dies While We’re in the Middle of a Divorce?

If the unthinkable happens and your spouse dies during a divorce, the divorce proceedings will stop. You cannot divorce a deceased person under California law. Instead of being a divorcee, you are now a surviving spouse.  You may have been mentally prepared for the divorce. However, you may not have been prepared for becoming a… read more

Is My Ex-Spouse Allowed to Take Our Child Out of the Country?

Divorce is complicated. But when the dust finally settles—and assets are divided and custody assigned—you might feel like you can breathe a sigh of relief at last. After all, every issue has been resolved. Right? Unfortunately, this is not the experience for many divorcees. Divorce, much like life, brings daily questions. This is especially true… read more

Can a Child Sue for Child Support?

Courts typically order parents to pay child support when parents divorce or separate. Sometimes, a parent does not pay child support as ordered. The other parent can sue them if this happens. However, an interesting case from 2014 raised the question of whether a child can also sue for child support. This particular case involved… read more

How to File for Legal Separation in California

In the state of California, there are three ways to end a marriage: divorce, annulment, or legal separation. All of these methods require spouses to fill out and file several forms.  Legal separation is the only option that does not fully and permanently dissolve the marriage. Though many of the same things happen in a… read more

What is in a Divorce Decree in San Diego, CA?

A divorce can be a drawn-out process for a variety of reasons. A divorce in California is not considered finalized until a court issues a divorce decree. A divorce decree is an official document that resolves the major legal issues between a divorcing couple, such as child custody and property division. It is important to… read more