Divorce and Family Law Blog

How To Apply for Child Support in San Diego, CA

Parents are obligated to financially support their children whether they have custody or do not live with them. If your child’s other parent does not pay child support, you can apply for child support through the state. However, hiring a San Diego child support attorney to handle your case has benefits. Applying for Child Support… read more

Tips for Taking Your Kids to Fashion Valley Mall as a Solo Parent

Fashion Valley Mall in San Diego is an upscale shopping center with over 200 stores, including high-end international fashion houses like Prada, Cartier, Versace, and Louis Vuitton. The mall has several leading department stores, including Macy’s, Bloomingdale’s, and Nordstrom. The open-air environment is lovely for enjoying the gorgeous San Diego weather. A day at Fashion… read more

Who Pays for My San Diego Community College District Tuition Fees After Divorce?

Paying for college is becoming more expensive. The average community college tuition at San Diego Community College District is $552 per semester for 12 units. However, that figure does not include parking, books, supplies, housing, food, and other costs. This figure can be daunting if you are a recent high school graduate. If your parents… read more

Yes, You Can Date While Separated in San Diego, CA, but Here’s the Catch

There is no law in California that says you cannot date while seeking a dissolution of marriage. Therefore, you can date while separated in San Diego. However, dating during divorce in California could jeopardize the outcome of your divorce settlement. Is Dating While Separated Illegal in California? California is a no-fault state for divorces. The… read more

How To Confront a Cheating Spouse

Learning that your spouse is cheating on you can be one of the most heartbreaking moments of your life. Your spouse is someone who promised to be faithful to you for the rest of your lives, and suddenly learning this isn’t true can have far-reaching impacts. But you are not alone. According to the CDC,… read more

Do I Have to Get My Ex-Spouse’s Permission to Take My Children to Seaworld San Diego?

What you can do when you have your children for visitation depends on your custody order. If the court-approved parenting plan and time-sharing agreement do not restrict your activities with your children, you should be able to take them to SeaWorld San Diego without your ex-spouse’s permission. However, it is important to keep in mind… read more

Deviating From California’s Child Support Guidelines

California has uniform child support guidelines to calculate child support obligations. However, a judge is not bound by the guidelines. The judge can deviate from California’s child support guidelines in some situations. What Does the Law Say About Deviating From California’s Child Support Guidelines? Judges have the discretion to deviate from child support guidelines for… read more

Can I Take My Children to Snapdragon Stadium on Days I Have Custody?

Snapdragon Stadium, located on Stadium Way in San Diego, CA, hosts a wide variety of events. Parents often take their children there to see shows, concerts, sports, and other attractions. Generally, you don’t need to worry about whether you have the right to take your kids to Snapdragon Stadium. However, what if you share custody… read more

Five Top Tips For Taking Your Kids To Petco Park As a Solo Parent

If you have children, life after a divorce can be challenging. While you can divide property or assets in a way that never requires you to interact with your ex-spouse again, the same isn’t true for children. After the divorce, you will be subject to child custody rules and a parenting time order. This can… read more

Fascinating Remarriage Statistics 2024

According to CNN, the divorce rate dropped to 2.4 per 1,000 people in 2022, representing an ongoing trend. At the same time, people were also found to be getting married at slightly lower rates than they did 20 years ago, signifying that couples are being more intentional with their decisions to marry. Nevertheless, thousands of… read more