Divorce and Family Law Blog

Who Pays for My San Diego University Tuition Fees After Divorce?

What happens when you turn 18 years old and graduate high school? Are your divorced parents obligated to pay your San Diego University tuition fees for you? The short answer is “no.” No law requires parents in California to pay for their child’s college education after divorce. In most cases, child support ends when the… read more

What Does It Mean When a Marriage Is Irretrievably Broken?

Marriages end for a variety of reasons, be they cases of adultery, abuse, or desertion. But sometimes, the reason is nothing more dramatic than two people simply growing apart. Situations like these are typically referred to as a “no-fault” divorce, as neither party is being blamed for the breakup.  Another term that’s commonly used when… read more

How Does In-Home Separation Work in San Diego, CA?

Couples in California can legally separate instead of petitioning the court for a divorce. California is one of several states that recognize legal separation.  A couple must live “separate and apart” to be legally separated. Unfortunately, it may be too costly for couples to live in separate homes during separation. They may need to continue… read more

What Is a De Facto Parent?

A “traditional” family once consisted of two parents and a couple of kids. However, families come in all different shapes and sizes. Some families have one parent. Others may not have any parents because a couple chooses not to have children.  Today, a parent can be anyone who cares for a child. It could be… read more

When Your Ex Refuses to Pay Child Support: Dos And Don’ts

Only about 45% of parents receiving child support in the United States receive full payments, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. About two-thirds of recipients see partial payments each month, while others entitled to child support receive nothing. Not receiving the full amount of child support you are owed can be a frustrating experience. This… read more

Do Sperm Donors Pay Child Support in San Diego, CA?

Parents struggling with fertility issues, same-sex couples, and many others nowadays use sperm donation to begin their families. Typically, a sperm donor voluntarily terminates their parental rights when they provide a donation. Likewise, a similar procedure is followed when couples use private donors they know instead of using a fertility clinic or doctor for anonymous… read more

Is a Confidential Marriage License Better Than a Public Marriage License in San Diego?

For some couples, protecting their privacy is a high priority. If so, they might choose to obtain a confidential marriage license instead of a public marriage license in San Diego, CA. Public figures and celebrities often try to conceal their marriage for several reasons, but confidential marriage licenses are available to any couple who meets… read more

Understanding California Family Code § 2030 – Need-Based Attorney’s Fees 

Attorney’s fees can be a significant concern in family law cases. Yet, California Family Law provides mechanisms to address this issue fairly. One such mechanism is the award of attorney’s fees based on need.  Read on to explore the key aspects of need-based attorney fees under California Family Code § 2030. What Is a Need-Based… read more

What Is a Date of Separation?

When married couples and registered domestic partners in San Diego decide to get a divorce, they come across an important question: “When did you officially separate?” This might seem like a simple question, but it holds a lot of legal weight and can greatly affect each person’s financial situation.  This blog post will dive into… read more

How To Deal With a Contested Divorce in California

Divorce proceedings are typically not as dramatic as depicted in social media, television, and entertainment news. Most couples negotiate a divorce settlement out of court. The process might be stressful at times, but the divorce is generally amicable. However, some divorces are destined to go to court because the spouses cannot agree to terms. In… read more