Divorce and Family Law Blog
What Do Judges Look for in Child Custody Cases?
PUJA SACHDEV | August 13, 2024 | Child Custody
When child custody is at issue, it can be incredibly stressful for everyone involved. Ideally, the parents can agree on a parenting plan that the court will approve. However, that isn’t always the case. If you and the other parent can’t agree on custody issues, the court must decide. The court can only make custody… read more
Did My Wife File for Divorce?
Puja Sachdev | August 10, 2024 | Divorce
Sometimes, in a relationship, communication may break down so completely that one spouse files for divorce without telling the other. If you’re currently going through divorce proceedings, you can take some comfort in knowing you’re not alone. In 2022, the 45 U.S. states that reported this statistic reported a total of 673,989 divorces and annulments…. read more
Conditions That Would Nullify a Prenuptial Agreement in California
Puja Sachdev | July 16, 2024 | Prenuptial Agreements
A prenuptial agreement is a legal contract between two parties who intend to marry. The premarital agreement becomes effective when the parties are legally married. Generally, prenuptial agreements are difficult to break. However, several conditions could nullify a prenuptial agreement in California and make it unenforceable. Conditions that could result in a prenuptial agreement being… read more
Fighting for Full vs. Joint Custody in California
Puja Sachdev | July 16, 2024 | Child Custody
When divorcing parents have a child, their divorce often involves a dispute over the custody of the child. Custody disputes can be emotionally charged if the parents do not agree on a custody arrangement. When one parent is seeking full custody of the child, the process can become especially contentious. Suppose you and your spouse… read more
Can a Mother Keep Their Child Away from the Father in California?
PUJA SACHDEV | July 11, 2024 | Child Custody
California Family Law Code §3010 states that a mother and father are equally entitled to the custody of their children. However, the issue is a lot more complicated than that. There may be situations where a mother can legally keep their child away from their father in California. Many factors can impact whether this is… read more
Can I Take My Children On a Flight From the San Diego Airport If I Have Joint Custody?
PUJA SACHDEV | July 8, 2024 | Child Custody
California ranks in the top 10 for states with the lowest divorce rates, with about six women per 1,000 divorcing annually. This equates to just over 229,000 people for a population of about 39 million. Divorce is always hard, but it’s particularly challenging when children are involved. Parents naturally want to do all they can… read more
Surrogacy In California: Does the Surrogate Mother Have Any Parental Rights?
Puja Sachdev | July 5, 2024 | California Law
Whether surrogate mothers have parental rights depends on the type of surrogacy arrangement and where the agreement takes place. California law distinguishes between traditional surrogacy and gestational pregnancy. Surrogacy arrangements are complex, and it’s important that they are handled properly for the safety and emotional well-being of everyone involved. If you’re considering surrogacy, reach out… read more
How To Explain an Absent Parent To Your Child
Puja Sachdev | July 5, 2024 | Child Custody
Regardless of your feelings about your co-parent, your child likely has a special bond with them. This bond does not break during a divorce or separation. Even if you have custody due to the other parent’s mental, legal, or physical issues, your child may still experience feelings of loss when they cannot spend time with… read more
What Is Marriage Abandonment in California?
Puja Sachdev | July 5, 2024 | California Law
In 1969, California signed its no-fault divorce law, becoming the first state to allow no-fault divorces. Here, you do not prove that the other spouse did anything wrong to get a divorce. Instead, you petition the court for divorce, informing it that your marriage has been irretrievably broken due to irreconcilable differences. While you don’t… read more
Does Infidelity Always Lead To Divorce?
Puja Sachdev | July 5, 2024 | Divorce
It’s often said that around half of all marriages end in divorce. While that estimate was once accurate, it is a bit of an exaggeration today. New studies show that around 43% of first marriages end in divorce and that divorce is on a downward trend. Infidelity is one common reason for divorce. Many people… read more